They say you can't be friends with everyone, and this is so true. People come and people go, we grow old with some and we argue with others. I believe those that do come into your life they come for a reason and there's a lesson to be learnt from each relationship. I am going through some low points in some relationships at the moment that are really hard to deal with emotionally. I feel that I'm on a rollercoaster that I cannot control but I really want to get off. I'm trying to recognize my lesson with this one particular friendship and I guess I am learning to listen to myself and my body more as well as the fact that I can't keep giving everything that I have and that I need to start saying, "no".
I have some good people around me who seem to be a reflection of my own self. These people have become my family, they hurt when I hurt they laugh when I laugh. I know that I have them and their love and I respect them so much. It's fun to hear friends tell me they can be "cold" or a "bitch". Why can't we just say, "no" and do what we want or maybe don't want???
Hah, here comes a confession, so I did read, "Men are from Mars, and Women are from Venus"! It mentioned how men, need to go to their cave as this is their place their safe haven. Hhhmmmm, interesting as I was told by an upset person that I should just stay in my cave. Am I in a relationship? Am I a man and I've been hiding it??? Ha ha ha! No, I'm kidding here, I mean, what does that person mean? I'm here in my studio painting for two upcoming group shows (one deadline has already passed - hence I'm late). Is this my cave? But I'm trying to be a professional artist, don't all artists have their spaces, their haven for the work they are passionate about? Is this my cave where I hide? I think I need clarity? What is so bad about being here?