
Yay 2009 is getting better :)

Wha-hooo finally 2009 is kicking in with positivity and yesterday was the highlight!!!  So what happened you may ask.  Well I finally got a job teaching ESL to adult students downtown.  I also got a better start as they recognize and award those who have their CELTA over those that have a TESOL ~ yipee, cause that was something I was worried about over here as everyone was asking for a TESOL cert.  

I'm back in the game and can start putting money back into the savings ~ yay :)  Also talked to a friend and was offered a room as there's no way I'm driving 120km everyday and make it into the city in the morning ~ brutal and admire those that do it cause I can't.  I parked downtown for about 4 hours and it cost me $26 ~ holy mama mia I swear the guy behind me must of been amused with the noises I was making as I put the money into the stupid machine!!!  Back to where I was really going with this paragraph ~ I'm moving back to the city, this means I'm no longer going to be alone out on an acreage talking to me myself and I!

And the best news of all***  I visited my nan before the interview and what a shock to see her, she was glowing and full of color.  For those of you that don't know the last time I saw her she was ill and close to leaving us, so this was a blessing.  She was back to her usual self asking me the same question over and over but it such good spirits and smiling too.  Oh what joy :)