
Home where art thou home?

Well, I did find a house that I liked, put in an offer but didn't go through. I was a bit upset with how the realtor for the seller behaved. My realtor spent the day trying to contact the realtor after faxing the offer the night before and only after she talked to his manager did she hear from him.

The realtor was pretty blunt saying that they recieved the same offer earlier. Well it wasn't from me, as this is my first time to buy a home. He hadn't even told his client about it and said that he wasn't going to even bother with this offer. How rude!!! I did give a low offer, only because I need to redo the roof as it shows it's age as well as the flooring.

Oh well, there's a better house out there :)

In the mean time until I find a home, what inspires me is a pop of pink amongst the clean white and turquoise with black lines.

Or a nice clean white and well organized kitchen, I would love to have a wall painted with blackboard paint. As I'm a little forgetful at times ;P I can't wait to have space to start cooking again!

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